Max Weber xd

-Max Weber was a German philosopher, economist, lawyer, historiographer, political scientist and sociologist. -He was born in Erfurt in the year 1864 -He was a one of the founders of the study of public administration. -Weber grew up in a family environment immersed in politics; that contributed his special interest in law, history and economics. -Intermittently he served in the German army from 1882 to 1884 -He was a prominent professor and politician -Max Weber died from pneumonia in Munich in the year 1892 The bureaucratic system it is his greatest achievement -In his work, Weber gives a description of rationalization as a change of organization and action towards the value of the organizational structure. -Many aspects of modern public administration were influenced by the Weberian bureaucratic system. -The relevance of this author is that he helps to understand how the state basically works in almost all the coun...